Why Morality is Outdated- Moving On To Something Better

Sirius Naught
3 min readDec 18, 2020

It is far past time to rid our society of useless human constructs…

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you are reading this, you are most likely a human. At the time of this writing, humans are the only known life form anywhere in our universe that exhibits the capabilities to reason, analyze, and create/compare ideas. Nothing else can; you cannot have a philosophical debate with your dog or the tree in your backyard. So because of this fact, humans are special. The abilities that we have are unique and have allowed us to do incredible things, which are simply not possible for any other life forms to do, or even dream of. Human ideas have transformed the Earth into the advanced state it is in now.

All this to say is that human ideas have power. And that power can be good or bad. But one long-lasting human construct has had a negative impact on humanity ever since it was conceived, and we as a society have yet to rid ourselves of this artificial burden.

I’m talking about morality, the concept of right and wrong. We act like there is a way that humans should and should not act. But why?

We are primates that have come from a primordial soup that originated, along with everything else, from a singularity a very long time ago. There has been no proof of any sort of extraterrestrial life or some higher power that has had any involvement in the development of life on this planet.

What does this mean? There is no purpose or reason to our lives, other than that which we ascribe to ourselves. Yet everyone is conscious of how they are perceived by others, and most everyone has an idea of how others should act in society.

This might sound nice, right? But morality is simply a form of control. All forms of oppression on this planet have originated with some form of morality. The concept of right and wrong is a way to mentally enslave people to do your blindly follow your priorities. When people are bound by your notions of “right and wrong”, they may as well be unthinking robots.

Racism, colonialism, imperialism, veganism, homophobia, misogyny, white supremacy, transphobia, xenophobia, manifest destiny, human rights, slavery, economic inequality, crime, jails- these are all the products of morality. Morality causes suffering.

Do you want a better world and an end to your problems? Cast off your notions of right and wrong. Do you think murder is wrong? If so, why? The truth is, there is no why. Morality does not exist- it is a human construct. Why do we allow such constructs to dictate the actions and paths of our lives? Things change, humans change. So what should we do?

THE SOLUTION: You must cleanse yourselves of all notions of shoulds. There is no should. There is only you, and what you want is all that matters. Feed your consciousness. This is the individual solution.

At the societal level, we must begin by abolishing all prisons and laws. Criminals are not bad, for there is no bad. We deny so called “criminals” their right to their choices when we incarcerate them because we want control. There are no human rights either. This too is a construct, it is not backed by anything objective. So why do we force people to believe in some sort of inherent worth? This is the institutional solution.

Once we observe these two important truths, we can have a perfect world. Trust your feelings. What you want is ultimately always for the best. When has acting on your personal desires ever resulted in an unsatisfactory result? Don’t care about anyone else. Stop fighting against “injustice”. There is no such thing.

Do what you want to do, and that will make a better world.



Sirius Naught

I'm a highly influential writer, critical thinker, and inquisitive spirit. I am only here to further the human existence. I am Sirius Naught.